Some things just don't seem to fit anywhere else. So I stick them here.
If you need to lay out a circle with blocks in minecraft, this will give you the pattern if you give it the number of blocks across.
Calculate the angles to file the edges of a sheet of metal at so that when you roll it into a cylinder the edges will meet beautifully for soldering.
If you don't know what RFCs, STDs, FYIs, BCPs, and IENs are then you can't call yourself a real geek. This will not only tell you what they are, but provide a script to fetch them on demand.
I designed these variations for the boost icons and put them up here so that the readers of the list could see them and discuss them.
This is a bz2 tar file which includes a job manager and an adaptive thread class I've been playing with, as well as an http server I whipped together to test it with. N.B. Don't use this http server in the real world. It's a toy with many security issues. YMMV. Note also, the http server hard codes document root under my home directory, so it won't work unless you change that anyway;)
This is the source code for a port from assembler of the original 1982 Dungeons of Daggorath game from the Tandy Color Computer. It was originally ported by others but has been rewritten and turned into C++ Objects by me. Click the link to download the tarball.